Development =========== .. toctree:: :hidden: standards The :doc:`upgrading` documentation is also applicable to updating your development checkout of MozTrap. Coding standards ---------------- See the :doc:`standards` for help writing code that will maintain a consistent style and quality with the rest of the codebase. User registration ----------------- MozTrap's default settings use Django's "console" email backend to avoid requiring an SMTP server or sending real emails in development/testing mode. So when registering a new user, pay attention to your runserver console; this is where the confirmation email text will appear with the link you need to visit to activate the new account. Running the tests ----------------- To run the tests, after installing all Python requirements into your environment:: bin/test To view test coverage data, load ``htmlcov/index.html`` in your browser after running the tests. To run just a particular test module, give the dotted path to the module:: bin/test tests.model.core.models.test_product Give a dotted path to a package to run all tests within that package, including in submodules:: bin/test tests.model.core Compass/Sass ------------ MozTrap's CSS (located in `static/css`) is generated using `Sass`_ and the `Compass`_ framework, with the `Susy`_ grid plugin. Sass source files are located in `sass/`. The generated CSS is included with MozTrap, so Sass and Compass are not needed to run MozTrap. You only need them if you plan to modify the Sass sources and re-generate the CSS. To install the necessary Ruby gems for Compass/Sass development, run ``bin/install-gems``. Update ``requirements/gems.txt`` if newer gems should be used. .. _Sass: .. _Compass: .. _Susy: Loading sample data ------------------- A JSON fixture of sample data is provided in ``fixtures/sample_data.json``. To load this fixture, run ``bin/load-sample-data``. .. warning:: Loading the sample data will overwrite existing data in your database. Do not load it if you have data in your database that you care about. The sample data already includes the :ref:`default roles`, so there is no need to run a separate command to create them. The sample data also includes four users, one for each default role. Their usernames are *tester*, *creator*, *manager*, and *admin*. All of them have the password ``testpw``. Resetting your database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To drop your database and create a fresh one including only the sample data, run these commands: .. note:: If your shell user doesn't have the MySQL permissions for the first two commands, you may need to append e.g. `-uroot` to them. :: mysqladmin drop moztrap echo "CREATE DATABASE moztrap CHARACTER SET utf8" | mysql python syncdb --migrate bin/load-sample-data If you create a superuser during the course of the ``syncdb`` command (recommended so that you can access the Django admin), the sample data fixture will not overwrite that superuser. Regenerating the sample data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sample data fixture is generated using `django-fixture-generator`_ via the code in ``moztrap/model/core/``, ``moztrap/model/environments/``, ``moztrap/model/tags/``, ``moztrap/model/library/`` and ``moztrap/model/execution/``. If you've modified one of the above files, you can regenerate the fixture by running ``bin/regenerate-sample-data``. .. _django-fixture-generator: Adding or updating a dependency ------------------------------- Adding a new dependency (or updating an existing one to a newer version) involves a few steps, since the requirements files and both submodules (the requirements tarballs submodule in ``requirements/dist`` and the :ref:`vendor library` submodule in ``requirements/vendor``) must be updated. Preparing your checkout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, the submodules are both checked out via a read-only anonymous URL, so that anyone can check them out. In order to push commits to the submodules, you'll need to switch the push url to use ssh. Make this change as follows:: cd requirements/dist git remote set-url --push origin cd ../vendor git remote set-url --push origin This assumes that you have permission to push to the primary ``moztrap-reqs`` and ``moztrap-vendor-lib`` repositories. If instead you have made your own forks of one or both of these repositories, adjust the above URLs to push to your fork. Adding the dependency tarball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assuming the new dependency is a Python package available on `PyPI`_ (for the sake of this example we'll assume that we want the `2.1.1 version of the Markdown package`_), from the root of your MozTrap checkout run this command in order to download the tarball into ``requirements/dist``:: pip install -d requirements/dist Markdown==2.1.1 This should add the ``Markdown-2.1.1.tar.gz`` file into ``requirements/dist``. We want to add this file and commit the change to the submodule. First, though, we need to ensure that we are actually committing on a branch in the submodule, since by default git does not check out submodules on a branch. In most cases, you can just check out the ``master`` branch of the submodule and commit there:: cd requirements/dist git checkout master git add Markdown-2.1.1.tar.gz # "git rm" the older Markdown tarball, if you're updating git commit -m "Add Markdown 2.1.1." git push .. note:: If you are working on a release branch of MozTrap rather than the master branch, you may find that updating the submodule to ``master`` updates the version of some dependency to a more recent version, and your branch of MozTrap is not prepared for this dependency update. In that case rather than updating to the submodule's master branch, you should create a new branch of the submodule with a name matching the branch of MozTrap you are working on; replace ``git checkout master`` in the above with e.g. ``git branch 0.8.X``. (If you've already done the ``git checkout master``, go back out to the MozTrap repo root and ``git submodule update`` to get back to the pinned commit of the submodule, then ``cd requirements/dist`` and ``git branch 0.8.X``.) If you create your own branch of the submodule, you may need to also replace ``git push`` with e.g. ``git push -u origin 0.8.X``). Similarly, if you are working on a feature branch, and your feature branch requires a newer version of a dependency, it is preferable to make a branch of the submodule. The master branch of MozTrap is tied to a specific commit of the submodule, so it won't create an immediate problem if you just push to the submodule's master branch; but if some other feature on the master branch must also update a dependency, there could be a problem if everyone is just pushing to the submodule's master branch. (If you are just adding a dependency, not changing the version of an existing one, this really isn't an issue, as having the extra tarball around won't hurt anything for another branch). Updating the requirements file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your added dependency is a pure-Python dependency (no compiled C extensions), add an entry to ``requirements/pure.txt`` like ``Markdown==2.1.1``. If your added dependency does require compilation, add it to ``requirements/compiled.txt`` instead. If you are just updating the version of an existing dependency, find the existing requirement line and change the version. Updating the vendor library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This step is only necessary for pure-Python dependencies. Compiled dependencies should not be included in the vendor library. .. note:: Due to a bug in pip, this step currently must be done within an empty ``--no-site-packages`` `virtualenv`_. (Virtualenv 1.7+ automatically creates ``--no-site-packages`` envs by default; with an earlier version you must use the ``--no-site-packages`` flag). If you've correctly created and activated a ``-no-site-packages`` virtualenv, ``pip freeze`` should show only the ``wsgiref`` package (which is part of the Python standard library). Now, from the root of the MozTrap repo, run:: bin/generate-vendor-lib cd requirements/vendor git status The only changed files shown here should be the new Python files for your added dependency (or, if upgrading a dependency, possibly some added/modified/removed files, but nothing outside the one upgraded package). If that is the case, commit your changes to the master branch (or the branch you chose earlier) and push using the same steps as shown above for the ``requirements/dist`` submodule. Pulling it all together ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this point, if you run ``git status`` in the root of the MozTrap repo, you should see three modifications: a modification to ``requirements/pure.txt`` and ``(new commits)`` in the ``requirements/dist`` and ``requirements/vendor`` submodules (or, if you added a compiled module, a modification to ``requirements/compiled.txt`` and ``(new commits)`` only in ``requirements/dist``). Add these changes, commit, push, and you're done! :: git add requirements/ git ci -m "Add Markdown 2.1.1 dependency." git push .. _PyPI: .. _2.1.1 version of the Markdown package: .. _virtualenv: