Installation ============ Clone the repository -------------------- First, clone the `MozTrap repository`_. .. _MozTrap repository: Dependency source distribution tarballs are stored in a git submodule, so you either need to clone with the ``--recursive`` option, or after cloning, from the root of the clone, run:: git submodule init; git submodule update If you want to run the latest and greatest code, the default ``master`` branch is what you want. If you want to run a stable release branch, switch to it now:: git checkout 0.8.X Install the Python dependencies ------------------------------- If you want to run this project in a `virtualenv`_ to isolate it from other Python projects on your system, create the virtualenv and activate it. Then run ``bin/install-reqs`` to install the dependencies for this project into your Python environment. Installing the dependencies requires `pip`_ 1.0 or higher. `pip`_ is automatically available in a `virtualenv`_; if not using `virtualenv`_ you may need to install it yourself. A few of MozTrap's dependencies include C code and must be compiled. These requirements are listed in ``requirements/compiled.txt``. You can either compile them yourself (the default option) or use pre-compiled packages provided by your operating system vendor. Compiling ~~~~~~~~~ By default, ``bin/install-reqs`` installs all dependencies, including several that require compilation. This requires that you have a working compilation toolchain (``apt-get install build-essential`` on Ubuntu, Xcode on OS X). It also requires the Python development headers (``apt-get install python-dev`` on Ubuntu) and the MySQL client development headers (``apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev`` on Ubuntu). If you are lacking the Python development headers, you will get the error ``Python.h: No such file or directory``. If you are lacking the MySQL client development files, you will get an error that ``mysql_config`` cannot be found. Using operating system packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you prefer to use pre-compiled operating system vendor packages for the compiled dependencies, you can avoid the need for the compilation toolchain and header files. In that case, you need to install `MySQLdb`_, `py-bcrypt`_, and `coverage`_ (the latter only if you want test coverage data) via operating system packages (``apt-get install python-mysqldb python-bcrypt python-coverage`` on Ubuntu). If using a `virtualenv`_, you need to ensure that it is created with access to the system packages. In `virtualenv`_ versions prior to 1.7 this was the default, in recent versions use the ``--system-site-packages`` flag when creating your `virtualenv`_. Once you have the compiled requirements installed, install the rest of the requirements using ``bin/install-reqs pure``; this installs only the pure-Python requirements and doesn't attempt to compile the compiled ones. Alternatively, you can skip ``bin/install-reqs`` entirely and use the provided :ref:`vendor library`. .. _virtualenv: .. _pip: .. _MySQLdb: .. _py-bcrypt: .. _coverage: Create a database ----------------- You'll need a MySQL database. If you have a local MySQL server and your user has rights to create databases on it, just run this command to create the database:: echo "CREATE DATABASE moztrap CHARACTER SET utf8" | mysql (If you are sure that UTF-8 is the default character set for your MySQL server, you can just run ``mysqladmin create moztrap`` instead). If you get an error here, your shell user may not have permissions to create a MySQL database. In that case, you'll need to append ``-u someuser`` to the end of that command, where ``someuser`` is a MySQL user who does have permission to create databases (in many cases ``-u root`` will work). If you have to use ``-u`` to create the database, then before going on to step 5 you'll also need to create a ``moztrap/settings/`` file (copy the sample provided at ``moztrap/settings/``), and uncomment the ``DATABASES`` setting, changing the ``USER`` key to the same username you passed to ``-u``. Create the database tables -------------------------- Run ``./ syncdb --migrate`` to install the database tables. Create the default user roles ----------------------------- This step is not necessary; you can create your own user roles with whatever sets of permissions you like. But to create a default set of user roles and permissions, run ``./ create_default_roles``. Run the development server -------------------------- Run ``./ runserver`` to run the local development server. This server is a development convenience; it's inefficient and probably insecure and should not be used in production. All done! --------- You can access MozTrap in your browser at http://localhost:8000. For a production deployment of MozTrap, please read the :doc:`deployment` documentation for important security and other considerations. For notes on upgrading to a more recent MozTrap, see the :doc:`upgrading` documentation.