Data Import Formats =================== .. _data-import: .. note:: Imported data should always be UTF-8 encoded. JSON ---- JSON is a great way to import more complex sets of :ref:`cases ` and :ref:`suites ` for your product. One JSON file will be used per :ref:`product ` :ref:`version `. Simply use the user interface to create the :ref:`Product ` and :ref:`Version ` that applies to the :ref:`cases ` and :ref:`suites ` to be imported. Then just import your JSON file to that :ref:`product version `. Simple Example:: { "suites": [ { "name": "suite name", "description": "suite description" } ], "cases": [ { "title": "case title", "description": "case description", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"], "suites": ["suite1 name", "suite2 name", "suite3 name"], "created_by": "", "steps": [ { "instruction": "instruction text", "expected": "expected text" }, { "instruction": "instruction text", "expected": "expected text" } ] } ] } Both top-level sections ("suites" and "cases") are optional. However, if either section is included, each item requires a "name" field value. Other than that, all fields are optional. CSV (future) ------------ When importing from a spreadsheet or wiki set of test cases, this may prove a very useful format. This doesn't handle multiple separate steps in test cases. Rather, it presumes all steps are in a single step when imported to MozTrap. Bulk Test Case Entry Formats ============================ Gherkin-esque ------------- This is one of the test case formats supported in the bulk test case creator. Format:: Test that When Then Example:: Test that I can write a test This test tests that a user can write a test When I execute my first step instruction then the expected result is observed And when I execute mysecond step instruction Then the second step expected result is observed Markdown (future) ----------------- This will be another format for the bulk test case creator. Example:: Test case 1 title here ====================== Description text here * which can contain bullets * **with formatting** * indentation * [and links]( Steps ----- 1. Step 1 action * Step 1 Expected Result 2. Step 2 action * Step 2 Expected Result Test case 2 title here ====================== ...