Test Cases and Suites

Test Cases

A Test Case is a named set of steps for testing a single feature or characteristic of the system under test. Test cases are associated with a product, and can have one version per product version. They can be organized via suites and/or tags, and can have file attachments. Preconditions, assumptions, and other preliminary information can be provided in the case’s description. A test case can have any number of steps; each step has an instruction and an expected result.

Case Edit Fields

  • Product - The product that owns this test case.
  • Version - The product version of this test case.
  • And Later Versions - Create a test case version for the specified Product Version as well as a case version for each later Product Version. (e.g.: if Product Versions 3, 4 and 5 exist for this Product, and you have specified Product Version 4, this case will be created for versions 4 and 5)
  • Suite - (optional) The existing suite to which you want this case to belong. You can also add cases to suites later.
  • Name - The summary name for the case.
  • Description - Any description, pre-conditions, links or notes to associate with the case. This field is displayed while running the test. Markdown syntax is supported.
  • Add Tags - Enter tags to apply to this case. Hit enter after each tag to see the tag chicklet displayed. Auto-completes for existing tags.
  • Add Attachment - You can attach files to cases that may help running the test. (e.g: images, audio, video, etc.)
  • Instruction / Expected - The test instruction and corresponding expected result. You can choose to put all instructions / expectations in one step, or break them down to individual steps. When running the test, you will have the option to fail on specific steps, so you may find this a better approach. Markdown syntax is supported.
  • Save - You can choose to save the case as draft or active. Only active cases can be run in a test run.

Test Suites

A Test Suite is a named collection of test cases that can be included in a test run.

Suite Edit Fields

  • Product - The product that owns this test case.
  • Name - The name of the suite.
  • Description - Any description for the suite.
  • Available Cases - Test Cases that have the same Product you selected for this suite. This list is filterable.
  • Included Cases - Test Cases that are included in the Suite. This list is not filtered.


A Tag can be associated with one or more test cases as a way to organize and filter them on any number of axes.

By default, tags are product-specific; global tags can also be created and managed via the tag management UI.

Tag Edit Fields

  • Name - The name of the tag.
  • Product - (optional) Tags can be specific to a Product, or they can be global. If a tag is Product specific, then cases for other products can’t use it. This is useful if you want to separate tags for different products.


A test case can have any number of file attachments: these will be made available for download by testers when the test case is executed.

Project Versions

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