

MozTrap requires Python 2.6 or 2.7 and MySQL 5.1+ with the InnoDB backend.

These steps assume that you have git, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, and a compilation toolchain available (with the Python and MySQL client development header files), and that you have a local MySQL server running which your shell user has permission to create databases in. See the full Installation documentation for details and troubleshooting.

  1. git clone --recursive git://
  2. cd moztrap
  3. mkvirtualenv moztrap
  4. bin/install-reqs
  5. echo "CREATE DATABASE moztrap CHARACTER SET utf8" | mysql
  6. create a
  7. ./ syncdb --migrate
  8. ./ create_default_roles
  9. ./ runserver
  10. Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

Congratulations! If that all worked, you have a functioning instance of MozTrap for local testing, experimentation, and development.

Please read the Deployment documentation for important security and other considerations before deploying a public instance of MozTrap.

Detailed Install

First, clone the MozTrap repository.

Dependency source distribution tarballs are stored in a git submodule, so you either need to clone with the --recursive option, or after cloning, from the root of the clone, run:

git submodule init; git submodule update

If you want to run the latest and greatest code, the default master branch is what you want. If you want to run a stable release branch, switch to it now:

git checkout

Install the Python dependencies

If you want to run this project in a virtualenv to isolate it from other Python projects on your system, create the virtualenv and activate it. Then run bin/install-reqs to install the dependencies for this project into your Python environment.


On some linux flavors, you may need to run sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev prior to bin/install-reqs.

Installing the dependencies requires pip 1.0 or higher. pip is automatically available in a virtualenv; if not using virtualenv you may need to install it yourself.

A few of MozTrap’s dependencies include C code and must be compiled. These requirements are listed in requirements/compiled.txt. You can either compile them yourself (the default option) or use pre-compiled packages provided by your operating system vendor.


By default, bin/install-reqs installs all dependencies, including several that require compilation. This requires that you have a working compilation toolchain (apt-get install build-essential on Ubuntu, Xcode on OS X). It also requires the Python development headers (apt-get install python-dev on Ubuntu) and the MySQL client development headers (apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev on Ubuntu).

If you are lacking the Python development headers, you will get the error Python.h: No such file or directory. If you are lacking the MySQL client development files, you will get an error that mysql_config cannot be found.

Using operating system packages

If you prefer to use pre-compiled operating system vendor packages for the compiled dependencies, you can avoid the need for the compilation toolchain and header files. In that case, you need to install MySQLdb, py-bcrypt, and coverage (the latter only if you want test coverage data) via operating system packages (apt-get install python-mysqldb python-bcrypt python-coverage on Ubuntu).

If using a virtualenv, you need to ensure that it is created with access to the system packages. In virtualenv versions prior to 1.7 this was the default, in recent versions use the --system-site-packages flag when creating your virtualenv.

Once you have the compiled requirements installed, install the rest of the requirements using bin/install-reqs pure; this installs only the pure-Python requirements and doesn’t attempt to compile the compiled ones. Alternatively, you can skip bin/install-reqs entirely and use the provided Vendor library.

Create a database

You’ll need a MySQL database. If you have a local MySQL server and your user has rights to create databases on it, just run this command to create the database:

echo "CREATE DATABASE moztrap CHARACTER SET utf8" | mysql

(If you are sure that UTF-8 is the default character set for your MySQL server, you can just run mysqladmin create moztrap instead).

If you get an error here, your shell user may not have permissions to create a MySQL database. In that case, you’ll need to append -u someuser to the end of that command, where someuser is a MySQL user who does have permission to create databases (in many cases -u root will work). If you have to use -u to create the database, then before going on to step 5 you’ll also need to create a moztrap/settings/ file (copy the sample provided at moztrap/settings/, and uncomment the DATABASES setting, changing the USER key to the same username you passed to -u.

Create the database tables

Run ./ syncdb --migrate to install the database tables.

Create the default user roles

This step is not necessary; you can create your own user roles with whatever sets of permissions you like. But to create a default set of user roles and permissions, run ./ create_default_roles.

Run the development server

Run ./ runserver to run the local development server. This server is a development convenience; it’s inefficient and probably insecure and should not be used in production.

All done!

You can access MozTrap in your browser at http://localhost:8000.

For a production deployment of MozTrap, please read the Deployment documentation for important security and other considerations.

For notes on upgrading to a more recent MozTrap, see the Upgrading documentation.

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