
To upgrade, simply use git to pull in the newer code from the GitHub repository and update the submodules:

git pull
git submodule update

If you are on a stable release branch (e.g. 0.8.X) and you want to update to a newer release branch (e.g. 0.9.X), make sure you’ve fetched the latest code on all branches, switch to the branch you want, and update to the correct version of the submodules for that branch:

git fetch
git checkout 0.9.X
git submodule update

Updating dependencies

Run git submodule update to get the latest version of the dependency submodules, and then bin/install-reqs to install them into your environment. Both of these commands are idempotent; there’s no harm in running them every time, whether there have been any dependency changes or not.

If you are using the Vendor library, bin/install-reqs is not necessary, the submodule update will get the latest version of the vendored dependencies.

Database migrations

It’s possible that the changes you pulled in may have included one or more new database migration scripts. To run any pending migrations:

python manage.py syncdb --migrate

This command is idempotent, so there’s no harm in running it after every upgrade, whether it’s necessary or not.


It is possible that a database migration will include the creation of a new database table. If you’ve commented out the SET storage_engine=InnoDB init_command in your moztrap/settings/local.py for performance reasons (see Database performance tweak), you should uncomment it before running any migrations, to ensure that all new tables are created as InnoDB tables.

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