Deployment ========== Django's built-in ``runserver`` is not suitable for a production deployment; use a WSGI-compatible webserver such as `Apache`_ with `mod_wsgi`_, or `gunicorn`_. A WSGI application callable is provided in ``moztrap/deploy/`` in the ``application`` object. You'll also need to serve the `static assets`_; `Apache`_ or `nginx`_ can do this. You'll need a functioning SMTP server for sending user registration confirmation emails; configure the ``EMAIL_*`` settings and ``DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`` in your ``moztrap/settings/`` to the appropriate values for your server. The default local-memory `cache backend`_ is not suitable for use with a production (multi-process) webserver; you'll get CSRF errors on login because the CSRF token won't be found in the cache. You need an out-of-process cache backend: memcached or Redis is recommended for production deployment. The Django file or database cache backends may also work for a small deployment that is not performance-sensitive. Configure the ``CACHE_BACKENDS`` setting in ``moztrap/settings/`` for the cache backend you want to use. In addition to the notes here, you should read through all comments in ``moztrap/settings/`` and make appropriate adjustments to your ``moztrap/settings/`` before deploying this app into production. .. _Apache: .. _mod_wsgi: .. _nginx: .. _gunicorn: .. _cache backend: Logins ------ By default all access to the site requires authentication. If the ``ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS`` setting is set to ``True`` in ``moztrap/settings/``, anonymous users will be able to read-only browse the management and test-results pages (but will not be able to submit test results or modify anything). By default MozTrap uses `BrowserID`_ for all logins, but it also supports conventional username/password logins. To switch to username/password logins, just set ``USE_BROWSERID`` to ``False`` in ``moztrap/settings/``. If using BrowserID (the default), you need to make sure that your ``SITE_URL`` is set correctly in ``moztrap/settings/``, or BrowserID logins will not work. .. _BrowserID: .. _vendor library: Vendor library -------------- For deployment scenarios where pip-installing dependencies into a Python environment (as ``bin/install-reqs`` does) is not preferred, a pre-installed vendor library is provided in ``requirements/vendor/lib/python``. This library does not include the compiled dependencies listed in ``requirements/compiled.txt``; these must be installed separately via e.g. system package managers. The ``site.addsitedir`` function should be used to add the ``requirements/vendor/lib/python`` directory to sys.path, to ensure that ``.pth`` files are processed. A WSGI entry-point script is provided in ``moztrap/deploy/`` that makes the necessary ``sys.path`` adjustments, as well as a version of ```` in ````. If you are using the vendor library and you want to run the MozTrap tests, ``bin/test`` won't work as it uses ````. Instead run ``python test``. If you need code coverage metrics (and you have the ``coverage`` module installed; it isn't included in the vendor library as it has a compiled extension), use this:: coverage run test coverage html firefox htmlcov/index.html Security -------- In a production deployment this app should be served exclusively over HTTPS, since almost all use of the site is authenticated, and serving authenticated pages over HTTP invites session hijacking attacks. The ``SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE`` setting should be set to ``True`` in ``moztrap/settings/`` when the app is being served over HTTPS. Run ``python checksecure`` on your production deployment to check that your security settings are correct. Static assets ------------- This app uses Django's `staticfiles contrib app`_ for collecting static assets from reusable components into a single directory for production serving, and uses `django-compressor`_ to compress and minify them. Follow these steps to deploy the static assets into production: 1. Ensure that ``COMPRESS_ENABLED`` and ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE`` are both uncommented and set to ``True`` in ``moztrap/settings/``. 2. Run ``python collectstatic`` to collect all static assets into the ``collected-assets`` directory (or whatever ``STATIC_ROOT`` is set to in ``moztrap/settings/``). 3. Run ``python compress`` to minify and concatenate static assets. 4. Make the entire resulting contents of ``STATIC_ROOT`` available over HTTP at the URL ``STATIC_URL`` is set to. If deploying to multiple static assets servers, probably steps 1-3 should be run once on a deployment or build server, and then the contents of ``STATIC_ROOT`` copied to each web server. .. _staticfiles contrib app: .. _django-compressor: .. _database-performance-tweak: Database performance tweak -------------------------- In order to ensure that all database tables are created with the InnoDB storage engine, MozTrap's default settings file sets the database driver option "init_command" to "SET storage_engine=InnoDB". This causes the SET command to be run on each database connection, which is an unnecessary slowdown once all tables have been created. Thus, on a production server, you should comment this option from your ``moztrap/settings/`` file's ``DATABASES`` setting after you've run ``python syncdb --migrate`` to create all tables (uncomment it before running ``python syncdb`` or ``python migrate`` after an update to the MozTrap codebase, or before trying to run the tests).