Test Cases, Suites and Tags

Test Cases

A Test Case is a named set of steps for testing a single feature or characteristic of the system under test. Test cases are associated with a product, and can have one version per product version. They can be organized via suites and/or tags, and can have file attachments. Preconditions, assumptions, and other preliminary information can be provided in the case’s description. A test case can have any number of steps; each step has an instruction and an expected result.

Case Edit Fields

  • Product - The product that owns this test case.
  • Version - The product version of this test case.
  • And Later Versions - Create a test case version for the specified Product Version as well as a case version for each later Product Version. (e.g.: if Product Versions 3, 4 and 5 exist for this Product, and you have specified Product Version 4, this case will be created for versions 4 and 5)
  • Suite - (optional) The existing suite to which you want this case to belong. You can also add cases to suites later.
  • ID Prefix - (optional) A string that will be displayed as part of the case ID. This can be a component name, or any string that is pertinent. This is also supported when filtering by ID. You can filter by the prefix only, by the ID, or by the prefix-ID combination.
  • Name - The summary name for the case.
  • Description - Any description, pre-conditions, links or notes to associate with the case. This field is displayed while running the test. Markdown syntax is supported.
  • Add Tags - Enter tags to apply to this case. Hit enter after each tag to see the tag chicklet displayed. Auto-completes for existing tags. During test execution, cases that have tags will show the tag descriptions with with each case.
  • Add Attachment - You can attach files to cases that may help running the test. (e.g: images, audio, video, etc.)
  • Instruction / Expected - The test instruction and corresponding expected result. You can choose to put all instructions / expectations in one step, or break them down to individual steps. When running the test, you will have the option to fail on specific steps, so you may find this a better approach. Markdown syntax is supported.
  • Save - You can choose to save the case as draft or active. Only active cases can be run in a test run.

Test Suites

A Test Suite is a named collection of test cases that can be included in a test run.

Suite Edit Fields

  • Product - The product that owns this test case.
  • Name - The name of the suite.
  • Description - Any description for the suite.
  • Available Cases - Test Cases that have the same Product you selected for this suite. This list is filterable.
  • Included Cases - Test Cases that are included in the Suite. This list is not filtered.


A Tag can be associated with one or more test cases as a way to organize and filter them on any number of axes.

By default, tags are product-specific; global tags can also be created and managed via the tag management UI.

Merging Tags

The edit screen for tags is a great way to merge two tags into one. For example, if you wanted to merge TagA and TagB all into TagB, then simply:

  • Edit TagB
  • In the list of available cases, filter on TagA
  • Select all the available cases and click the green add button
  • Save TagB
  • Delete TagA

Tag Edit Fields

  • Name - The name of the tag.
  • Product - (optional) Tags can be specific to a Product, or they can be global. If a tag is Product specific, then cases for other products can’t use it. This is useful if you want to separate tags for different products.
  • Description - (optional) This description will be displayed during test execution before the test case description and steps. This is useful to provide some setup or precondition code that doesn’t have to be repeated for a group of cases. Supports Markdown syntax.
  • Available Cases - Test Cases that have the same Product you selected for this tag. This list is filterable.
  • Included Cases - Test Cases that have this tag applied. This list is not filtered.


A test case can have any number of file attachments: these will be made available for download by testers when the test case is executed.

Project Versions

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