Data Import Formats


Imported data should always be UTF-8 encoded.


JSON is a great way to import more complex sets of cases and suites for your product. One JSON file will be used per product version. Simply use the user interface to create the Product and Version that applies to the cases and suites to be imported. Then just import your JSON file to that product version.

Simple Example:

    "suites": [
            "name": "suite name",
            "description": "suite description"
    "cases": [
            "name": "case title",
            "description": "case description",
            "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
            "suites": ["suite1 name", "suite2 name", "suite3 name"],
            "created_by": "",
            "steps": [
                    "instruction": "instruction text",
                    "expected": "expected text"
                    "instruction": "instruction text",
                    "expected": "expected text"

Both top-level sections (“suites” and “cases”) are optional. However, if either section is included, each item requires a “name” field value. Other than that, all fields are optional.


Importing test cases with this method involves the use of a management command. Before you import the cases, you must create your Product and product version in the user interface as mentioned above. If the suites in your JSON file do not already exist, they will be created for you.

Import command

Importing involves a management command on the command line. For this example, we are importing test cases from a file called MyCases.json to version 1.0 of product Foo. .

  1. cd into your MozTrap directory
  2. ./ import Foo 1.0 MyCases.json

That should be it. Now go back to the web interface and your cases will be imported.

CSV (future)

When importing from a spreadsheet or wiki set of test cases, this may prove a very useful format. This doesn’t handle multiple separate steps in test cases. Rather, it presumes all steps are in a single step when imported to MozTrap.

Bulk Test Case Entry Formats


This is one of the test case formats supported in the bulk test case creator.


Test that <test title>
<description text>
When <instruction>
Then <expected result>


Test that I can write a test
This test tests that a user can write a test
When I execute my first step instruction
then the expected result is observed
And when I execute mysecond step instruction
Then the second step expected result is observed

Markdown (future)

This will be another format for the bulk test case creator.


Test case 1 title here
Description text here

* which can contain bullets
* **with formatting**
   * indentation
   * [and links](

1. Step 1 action
    * Step 1 Expected Result
2. Step 2 action
    * Step 2 Expected Result

Test case 2 title here
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